Alumarine Aluminium Boat Builders

We specialise in the construction of commercial plate alloy vessels, catamarans, tri hulls, mono hulls, punts, landing craft and barges with sizes ranging from 5m to 20m – your design or ours.

Our premises is situated on the banks of Anderson Inlet which has a notorious entrance bar crossing to the open waters of Bass Strait – the ideal testing ground for the vessels we manufacture.

Our signature vessel is the Z bow or wave piercing catamaran. We are also developing a stepped hull Z bow monohull design.

We believe this design provides superior performance to the conventional catamaran design. The “Wave Piercing Bows” are an integral part of the vessel’s structure which have a sharp entry and full topsides above the chine, which, in conjunction with the extra waterline length, contributes to the awesome performance in adverse conditions.

Alumarine supply and recommend Suzuki outboard motors and are authorised dealers for Mac Boats and Polycraft boats .

These are rotomoulded hull’s ranging in size from 2.3m to 7m available with commercial survey certificates issued AMSA.

Alumarine currently have for sale a selection of new and used commercial and recreational Mac and Polycraft boats – contact us today to discuss what vessel you are seeking, we are happy to assist

HDPMarine has been developed to be able to fabricate Polyethelene vessels larger than 6m to find out more about HDP Marine click here: